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关于申请 2022 年2138太阳集团国际学生社会实践奖励金、汉语水平奖励金的通知
作者:        发布时间:2023-01-18 20:40        点击数:

为提高学校的国际竞争力,推进学校高水平大学建设和国际化进程,吸引更多国际学生到校留学,鼓励国际学生认真学习、积极向上,实现德智体美劳全面发展,根据《2138太阳集团国际学生奖学金、奖励金和助学金管理办法》的有关要求,学校设立2138太阳集团国际学生社会实践奖励金、汉语水平奖励金。现将 2022 年2138太阳集团国际学生社会实践奖励金、汉语水平奖励金的申请通知如下:


(一)2021-2022 学年度国际学生社会实践奖励金




3)2021-2022 学年度积极参加学校或学院(部)组织的各项集体活动,热心为同学服务,如创新及文体表现、志愿服务表现和参加活动表现三类,并能协助学校国际学生管理部门开展工作,成绩较好,在国际学生中表现突出。


2138太阳集团国际学生社会实践奖学金:一等奖每人 10000 元,二等奖每人 7000 元,三等奖每人 3000 元,优秀奖每人 1000 元。



(二)2021-2022 学年度国际学生汉语水平奖励奖






2138太阳集团国际学生汉语水平奖励金:汉语水平奖励金(HSK6 级)每人 800 元,汉语水平奖励金(HSK5 级)每人 600 元。


汉语水平奖励金(HSK6 级)、汉语水平奖励金(HSK5 级)分别不超过 5 个名额。


2023 年 2 月 20 日-2023 年 2 月 24 日。


由国际学生本人向2138太阳集团 320 办公室直接申请。不在中国境内的学生通过邮件将电子版申请材料以“Application for scholarship”为邮件标题发送至





2. 2021-2022 学年度成绩单;3.能证明参加比赛或活动的相关正式材料。



2.2021-2022 学年度汉语水平考试(HSK)证书原件或复印件。




(三)所有证明材料都应在 2021-2022 学年度获得,时间为





2023 年 1 月 16 日




Notice on Application for the 2022 Shenzhen University

International Student Social Practice Award and HSK Award

In order to improve the international competitiveness of the university, promote the construction of a high-level university and the internationalization process of the university, attract more international students to study in the university, and encourage international students to study hard and actively, achieve comprehensive development of virtue,

intelligence, physical conditions, mind status and community service. The university hereby establishes the 2022 Shenzhen University International Student Social Practice Award and HSK Award according to the On Awards, Scholarships and Grants of International Students of Shenzhen University. The announcement of the selection of the international student awards of Shenzhen University in 2022 is as follows:

1. Type of Rewards

(1)Social Practice Award (2021-2022 academic year)

a. Detailed Requirements

1) International degree students and International language students (offline) in our school during application.

2) No violation of Chinese laws, regulations and school discipline.

3) Actively participate in various group activities organized by the school or college (department) in 2021-2022 academic year, such as innovation and stylistic performance, volunteer service performance andparticipation performance. Serve the students enthusiastically, and assist the international student management department of the school to carry out the work, with good grades and outstanding performance among international students.

b. Amount of Award

Shenzhen University International Student Social Practice Award:

1) First prize: RMB 10,000 per student

2) Second prize: RMB 7,000 per student

3) Third prizeRMB 3,000 per student

4) Excellence awardRMB 1,000 per student

c. Quota

The quota will be determined by the student's actual application

situation and performance.

(2)HSK Award (2021-2022 academic year)

a. Detailed Requirements

1) International degree students and International language students

(offline) in our school during application.

2) No violation of Chinese laws and regulations and school discipline.

3) Applicants must pass HSK 5 or HSK 6 with excellent results during studying in our school.

b. Amout of Award

Shenzhen University International Student HSK Award

1HSK 6RMB 800 per student2HSK 5RMB 600 per student

c. Quota

No more than 10 (HSK 6 and HSK 5 shall not exceed 5 respectively).

2. Time for Application

February 20th , 2023 -February 24th , 2023

3. Method for Application

Students in China should submit the paper application materials to Office 320 at College of International Exchange. Students who are not in China should send the electronic application materials to by email with the title of "Application for scholarship". ContactMiss ZhangTel:0755-86678400.

4. Materials for Application

(1)Social Practice Award

a. Shenzhen University International Student Scholarship Application Form.

b. Transcripts of the 2021-2022 academic year.

c. Relevant official documents proving participation in competitions or events.

(2) HSK Award

a. Shenzhen University International Student Scholarship Application Form.

b. Original or copy of HSK certificate of the 2021-2022 academic year.

5. Others

(1) International Student Scholarship Assessment Committee of the College of International Exchange shall review the materials of applicants and determine the list of winners according to the principles of openness, fairness and justice.

(2) In the case in which an applicant of the scholarship is found of breaking state law or university regulations, his or her application is immediately withdrawn, any given award will be canceled, and such student will be ineligible for scholarship in the following year.

(3) All certification materials should be awarded in 2021-2022 academic year.( From September 1st, 2021 to August 31st, 2022)

(4) For more information, please refer to On Awards, Scholarships and Grants of International Students of Shenzhen University.

(5) Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

College of International Exchange

January 16, 2023

