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Shenzhen University's International Exchange College Supports the "Belt and Road Initiative" 'ISEE E-Venture' Inaugural Training Camp: Nurturing International Innovative Talents
Author:        Time:2023-10-30 10:42        hits:

Date: October 25, 2023

Text and Editing: Chen Mo (ISEED Center,SZU International Exchange College)

2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the "Belt and Road Initiative," and as cooperation under the initiative deepens, the vast overseas markets have attracted the attention of local businesses. Cross-border e-commerce has become a crucial bridge for numerous enterprises to expand their international reach. General Secretary Xi Jinping has stated, "China will tap into the potential for foreign trade growth, making an active contribution to boosting international trade and global economic development. China will accelerate the development of new formats and models such as cross-border e-commerce to cultivate new momentum for foreign trade." Currently, new digital marketing models such as cross-border live streaming and short videos are on the rise, leading to a growing demand for professionals in these fields. This training camp aims to meet this demand by nurturing more cross-border e-commerce digital marketing talents with practical experience. Shenzhen University's International Exchange College has actively responded to the "Belt and Road Initiative" by hosting the "ISEE E-Venture" Global Youth Cross-border E-commerce Digital Marketing Training Camp in October 2023, providing international collaboration and practical opportunities for students.

In this groundbreaking event, Shenzhen University's International Exchange College collaborated with HangzhouHomie-TechTechnology Co., Ltd., and other partners to co-organize the training camp. This initiative received recognition and support from the Yuezhou Street Office as an essential project for people's livelihood within the Yuezhou Street jurisdiction. It attracted students from both China and abroad and representatives from cross-border e-commerce-related businesses, all dedicated tocultivatefuture international innovative talents.

The camp aims to meet the professional talents needed for the rapid rise of new digital marketing models, especially in the fields of cross-border live broadcasting and short videos. Through the curriculum and practical training, students will gain rich experience in digital marketing, enhance their new media marketing skills, cultivate an international perspective, and lay a solid foundation for their future careers.


Li Pei, Founder and Chairman of the Greater Bay Area Youth Association, Qin Qing, Vice Secretary  of the International Exchange College at Shenzhen University, Wu Ping, Level Four Researcher from     Yuezhou Street Office, Zhang Dapeng, Executive Secretary of the Shenzhen Cross-border E-commerce    Association, and Deng Yahui, General Manager of Hangzhou Homie-Tech.

On October 22, 2023, the first Global Youth Cross-border E-commerce Digital Marketing Training Camp of "ISEE E-Venture" was held as scheduled at theYuehaiEnterprise Service Center(YHES). The event attracted global youth from more than 20 countries, who gathered with strong interest in cross-border e-commerce digital trade, and listened attentively to the speeches of the sharing guests.

At the opening ceremony, Qin Qing, Deputy Secretary of the School of International Exchange of Shenzhen University, delivered a speech for the event as a special guest, emphasizing the importance of this event for the cultivation of internationalized and innovative talents, and expressing her expectations for the results of this camp. The organizerofHangzhou Homie-Tech, also introduced the course content of the camp in detail during the training session, providing students with clear learning objectives and directions. During the interactive question and answer session, the participating students raised some questions about cross-border e-commerce digital marketing, one of them asked how to carry out effective brand promotion according to the consumption habits of different overseas markets, and received practical strategies and suggestions from the sharing guests.

One of the essential features of this training camp isthepromotion of cultural exchange and collaboration among students from diverse countries and regions. This cross-cultural communication and teamwork will play a crucial role in their future practical projects, where they will collectively address challenges in the field of cross-border e-commerce digital marketing. During the ice-breaking sessions, students from various countries and regions quickly bridged the gap between each other, forming multicultural teams. These teams will collaborate on a variety of practical cross-border e-commerce digital marketing projects during the remainder of the training camp, adequately preparing to showcase their project results in the future. This cross-cultural collaborationwillnot only enhance their skills butwillalso broaden their international perspectives.

The initiation of the training camp is not only a proactive response to Shenzhen's efforts to promote the high-quality development of the cross-border e-commerce industry but also a deep commitment to the "Belt and Road Initiative." As a long-term and recurrent event, it will continuously provide students with a platform for collaboration with international businesses and learning the latest digital marketing strategies, preparing them for their future careers. Moreover, it strengthens cooperation between universities, international businesses, government entities, and social organizations, providing robust support for the development of internationalized businesses within the jurisdiction of Yuehai Sub-District.

The successful organization of this training camp not only highlights Shenzhen University's International Exchange College's steadfast commitment to international education and collaboration but also demonstrates the attractiveness and influence of this project. It offers students valuable international experiences and opportunities for career development while establishing a solid foundation for future cross-border e-commerce digital marketing training activities. We hope that these young individuals will accumulate valuable experience in the field of cross-border e-commerce, contributing to the development of international trade and the digital economy. As one of the significant events marking the tenth anniversary of the "Belt and Road Initiative," this training camp is expected to contribute more positive energy to the development of China's cross-border e-commerce industry, helping to nurture future international business leaders and promote international cooperation and trade development.

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