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Visa Application
How to Apply for a Non-Criminal Record in Shenzhen?
Author:        Time:2021-10-28 10:02        hits:

The Non-Criminal Background Check

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a new background check in Shenzhen.

Documents required:

(1) Passport

(2) Registration Form of Temporary Residence (the form issued by the police station on registration)

Registration Form


Going to Shenzhen Civic Center Metro Station (line 2) and take exit B, or going to Civic Center Bus Station, or in a DiDi, you can go to: 深圳市民中心(福田区福中三路) (Shenzhen Civic Center). You will go to the Administrative Service West Hall, which is marked by a sign on the entrance.

To get there, turn left out of the metro exit, walk to the crossing and when at the building door, follow it around to the left to find the west hall.

You’ll see a round desk in front of you. Tell the staff sitting there that you want a Non-Criminal Background Check. You can show them the photo below if they don’t understand.

You need to get a ticket/number from the machines to your left but they are in Chinese so you can get the staff working at the front desk to help you.

Bring your ticket to one of the desks between 28-41. (I am not 100% sure if these numbers are totally accurate but hopefully they can point you in the right direction if it’s not right.) But you should just walk straight ahead a bit and they will be right there.

Staff will give you a form to fill out. (If you don't know how to fill the form you can ask staff for help.)


Once you’ve finished filling the form and they’ve scanned your docs, you are done! You’ll get a text message to say that you’ve applied and when it’s ready to pick up, they will text you again. They will also give you some forms to bring back with you when you come to pick it up.

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