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Student Recruitment Brochure
Shenzhen University’s Academic Exchange Support Program for Outstanding Doctoral Students from Overseas Universities
Author:        Time:2024-06-19 08:55        hits:

In order to enhance the internationalization of graduate education, attract more outstanding young talents to advantageous doctoral disciplines, and promote international research cooperation, Shenzhen University (SZU) has established the “Academic Exchange Support Program for Outstanding Doctoral Students from Overseas Universities” (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program is designed to support full-time doctoral students from overseas universities to SZU for one year (12 months) or longer to participate in relevant scientific research projects and collaborative research. They will be granted with a scholarship of RMB 150,000-200,000 per year (pre-tax) in accordance with the assessment criteria. The first batch of the program in 2024 is expected to accept 30-50 visiting doctoral students from overseas.

Prior to application, the applicant should first obtain the consent and endorsement from his/her doctoral supervisor at the respective university, and then contact a doctoral supervisor affiliated with SZU as a cooperative supervisor. Both supervisors must demonstrate a strong willingness for cooperation. The applicant and the two supervisors should draw up a mutually agreed visiting plan. The collaborative supervisor at SZU is required to issue a letter of commitment, indicating the willingness to accept the applicant and the facilities to be provided.

I. Eligibility

1. Applicants are required to be physically and mentally healthy and of good conduct, with excellent academic performance, remarkable scientific research capabilities, outstanding development potentials, and actively participate in scientific research. They should also abide by the laws of the Chinese government and regulations of the university.

2. Applicants must be full-time doctoral students (not in the first year or graduation year of the doctoral program) enrolled in overseas universities ranking within the top 200 in any two of the world's four authoritative rankings (THE, QS, US News, ARWU).

3. Nationality is not limited. Applicants should have completed the coursework of their doctoral program, with preferences given to those who have already passed the doctoral qualification examination.

4. The choice of study program will be decided by the discipline of the collaborative supervisor at SZU.

II. Funding Criteria

Visiting students do not need to pay fees to SZU. Funding will be provided on a monthly basis starting from the date of arrival at SZU to commence scientific research. The amount will be determined based on an overall consideration of the candidate’s attending institution, major, as well as academic and research performances.

During the visit, students are required to submit interim progress reports at least once every six months, and an annual assessment will be made at least once a year. In principle, students are expected to publish at least one high-quality academic paper with SZU as the affiliation of the first or the corresponding author (the student should be the first author, or in cases where the student is the second author, the supervisor at SZU should be the first author). For science, engineering and medicine disciplines, the paper should be published in SCI-indexed journals. For humanities and social sciences disciplines, it should be published in a journal listed in the Reward Measures for the High-Level Scientific Research Achievements of SZU (Humanities and Social Sciences) ranking no lower than the third prize.

Visiting students are required to conduct scientific research under the guidance of both supervisors in accordance with the visiting program. Failure to pass the assessment or failure to achieve the expected results will result in the cancellation of the funding and the suspension of the visit.

SZU will provide accommodation for students depending on the availability of on-campus dormitories. In case of insufficient on-campus housing, students will need to arrange off-campus accommodations at their own expense. Additionally, personal and medical insurance during the visit as well as the costs of visa and travel expenses will not be covered by the university.

III. Application Procedure

Prior to application, the applicant should first obtain the consent and endorsement from his/her doctoral supervisor in the respective university, and then contact a doctoral supervisor affiliated with SZU as a cooperative supervisor. Both supervisors must demonstrate a strong willingness for cooperation. The applicant and the two supervisors should draw up a mutually agreed visiting plan. The collaborative supervisor at SZU is required to issue a letter of commitment, indicating the willingness to accept the applicant and the facilities to be provided.

For application, applicants are required to log into an online application system. For this program, SZU adopts a rolling application, review and approval process. Applications are welcomed throughout the year and applicants will be promptly notified to complete relevant procedures.

IV. Application System and Documents

(I) Application System

Following the prompts of the online system, applicants are required to fill in personal information, academic records, language proficiency and other relevant information. After completing the online application, applicants should upload necessary documents in time, and the scholarship program will be initiated upon approval.

Application system: STUDENT CATEGORIES:Advanced scholar)

(II) Application Documents

1. Supporting Letter by the Host Supervisor (Attachment 1)

2. Research Proposal (Attachment 2)

3. Personal statement and resume

4. Recommendation letter from the doctoral supervisor

5.Other documents

(1) Scanned copies of graduation certificate (from undergraduate level)

(2) Scanned copies of academic transcripts (from undergraduate level)

(3) Scanned copy of doctoral degree certificate

(4) Scanned copy of valid identity documents

(5) Scanned copy of award certificate

(6) Passport and visa (Provide a photo copy of the valid passport and any visa application documents necessary. Visa requirements may vary depending on the target country)

(7) Foreigner Physical Examination Form

(8) Depending on the requirements of the specific exchange program, additional document such as financial certificate may also be required.

V. Other Information

Students admitted by this program will be visiting students at SZU without formal enrollment or course study. For those with excellent performance, the collaborative supervisor may apply to the Graduate School for an extension of the visiting period.

Contact Information:

Graduate School: Ms. Li,, Tel: +86-755-26732906

International Office: Dr. Zhang, E-mail:, Tel: +86-755-26538663

College of International Exchange: Ms. Huang, E-mail:, Tel: +86-755-26558894

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